Cigna Vision Plans

Plan Highlights

  • Coverage for routine eye care
  • May cover frames, lenses and contacts
  • Must be chosen as an enhancement to Cigna medical and/or dental plans
  • Cigna medical plans cover non-routine eye care

Adding Cigna Vision
Provides Coverage For Routine Eye Care

Adding Cigna vision coverage to your Cigna medical or dental plan provides important additional protection like comprehensive eye exams. Some plans provide coverage for frames, lenses and contacts. These supplemental features are considered wellness benefits. They are not available inside Cigna medical products but must be chosen as an additional enhancement.

Like our dental products, Cigna's routine vision products have their own unique health care professional networks to keep costs low for Cigna members.

Cigna Medical Plans Cover Non-routine Eye Care

Our medical plans cover non-routine vision care. Non-routine care is the examination, treatment and management of an eye condition or disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, infections, eye pain or injury. Cigna members with confirmed and/or suspected medical eye diseases (including, but not limited to, those mentioned above) receive covered benefits for the management and treatments of these diseases within their standard medical coverage.

However, unless Cigna members also have routine vision coverage, they would be responsible for any non-medical services, such as refractions (prescriptions for eyewear) and the costs of any eyewear.

When To Include Refractive Diagnosis On Claims

Please include any refractive diagnosis on all claims where a refraction (92015) was performed and billed separately. This ensures accurate claim payment when you and your patients choose to have the refraction performed, supplemental to their medical eye examination, and they have routine vision coverage.

Joining The Cigna Vision Network

Eye care professionals interested in network participation for the delivery of routine vision services may contact Cigna Vision serviced by EyeMed at 1.888.353.2653. Cigna delegates the contracting of routine vision services to EyeMed.